Child consultations on CoE Strategy

Child consultations CoE Strategy for the Rights of the Child Strategy for the Rights of the Child

Child consultations on CoE Strategy | | Movimento Globale per i Diritti dell’Infanzia

Child consultations on CoE Strategy

Guiding the intergovernmental work of the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF), DCI Italia collaborated with the Children’s Rights Division of the Council of Europe in the framework of Child consultations in the preparatory process of the new Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2022-2027). DCI Italia planned and coordinated the consultative process with 220 children, carried out by National Delegations in 10 Member States: Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Portugal, Slovak Republic and Spain and produced a 60-page report with the full outcomes of the consultations.

Over the past fifteen years, we have successfully integrated consultations with children and youth as a systematic and cross-cutting element of our work, within Italy and internationally. Today, children are actively participating in our programmes, as informants, advisers, researchers and trainers. Although this remains each and every time a sensitive and challenging task, we have been able to inspire together with children significant processes of change in policymaking, research, service practice and training across many thematic fields. 

All our work in this field is based on a systemic and transdisciplinary reading of human rights principles and the rights of the child, as afforded under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Council of Europe Conventions, guidelines and recommendations.

Duration of the Project

2021 - 2022


The overall goal of the consultation process was to ensure that the new Strategy for the Rights of the Child considered and addressed the main challenges faced by children and responded to children’s priorities as perceived and expressed by the participants in the consultations.

The specific objectives were to:
1. ensure continuity of the work promoted by the Council of Europe Children’s Rights Division concerning children’s participation;

2. facilitate children’s involvement in the development and implementation of the new Strategy from the onset; and

3. advise the CDENF on how to further include children in its work, in particular in the implementation and monitoring of the new Strategy.

Link to resources

Child Consultations CoE Strategy on the Rights for the Child - Full Report

  • Design, implement and progressively consolidate a variety of methodologies and tools, always informed by evidence and knowledge and customized for the specific situations and groups of children;
  • Support both the work process and assist national delegations with professional advice and guidance;
  • Development of a comprehensive methodology for the consultation of children during this process, which fed into the new Strategy and was submitted for approval by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe at the end of 2021;
  • At the end of the process, national delegations, along with their partners and support from the consultants, organised written feedback to the children involved, to explain, in an age-appropriate manner, how their views and opinions have been taken into consideration and have influenced the final draft of the Strategy.
Partners and collaborations

Council of Europe

Contact Us

Defence for Children International - Italia

Sede legale e sociale: Piazza Don Andrea Gallo 5-6-7 R - 16124 Genova 
Sede operativa: Via Bellucci 4-6 - 16124 Genova


Tel.010 0899050 Fax 010 0899051
Codice Fiscale 97457060586

Genova Via Bellucci 4-6 mappa
Defence for Children international Italia
Sede legale e sociale: Piazza Don Andrea Gallo 5-6-7 R - 16124 Genova
Sede operativa: Via Bellucci 4-6, 16124 Genova
010 0899050